Sofia, January 21, 2019
People often ask us about the parameteres of our partners’work. Here is aggregated data for 2018 from one of our longest-term partners – The National Comission for Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings (NCCTHB). In 2018 29 people, 7 of which children, have received support at NCCTHB’s specialized facilities for supporting victims of trafficking in the cities of Sofia, Burgas and Varna. In 2018 10 of the people in care were successfully integrated in the labour market; 2 of the victims were prepared for university application exams and are now students at the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridsky and the Burgas Free University.
The majority of people in care are women who were involved in trafficking for sexual exploitation. Since mid-2018 support in one of the facilities has received a man who was a victim of labour exploitation for 17 years. In the facility he received health, psychological and social support. Almost all people in care in NCCTHB’s facilities are cooperating with the authorities on solving the crime.
In 2018 the Administration of The National Comission for Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings received 97 signals for victims of human trafficking. The signals concern 155 people, and 130 of them were formally and informally identified as crime victims. 25 of the cases fall into neighbouring crime categories, among which violation of labour rights, Internet threats, distribution of pornographic materials, domestic violence, etc.
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