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Info materials :: Handbooks


Cover EN 

 Stories from the ghetto

True stories from the practice of four health mediators from different parts of Bulgaria











 Unconditonal love 

Unconditional love

The texts in this book present in first person the stories of the grandparents of the authors. Writing the stories down is a part of the process of realizing personal storytelling as an ability to send messages, manifestation of courage for change and breaking of prejudice.  











Handbook for self-help groups

Health and sexual education in vulnerable communities













For prevention of sexual exploitation of children and young people in institutions








Handbook cover


Prevention of sexual exploitation of children

Handbook for professionals, working in institutions and with children at risk











Survival Guidebook (or not) for the positive

A collection of true stories of people living with HIV












Handbook on prevention, treatment and referral to healthcare

Blood- and sexually transmitted infections and diseases in prisons - features, course, behaviour and protection

Legal aspects of the access to healthcare of prisoners and detainees







Final report on the "Prisons Without Risk" project

Recommendations, analysis of the proliferation of diseases and developed resources












Practical advice and recommendations for the management and staff of prisons in Bulgaria











KMS Trainers 

Handbook for intermediaries


About the manual
Topics and appropriate exercises
Implementing changes into the organization – avoiding and coping with violence
Knowing the target group
Legislation and rights
Values and attitude
Knowledge about sex, sexuality and other concepts, connected with SRHR
Communicative and consulting skills






Handbook for young people with learning disabilities


About the manual
Educational sessions for young people with learning disabilities – good practices
Methodology for session implementation
Developing plan for education on questions of health and sexuality education of young people with learning disabilities
Topics for debating and appropriate exercices
What do we need to know about our body?
Borders and protection
Sex, sexuality and relations
Safe sex




KMS Good practices 

Handbook for good practices


Ensuring understanding and support from the organizations, knowing own strengths and identifying partner organizations:
Building up capacity and knowledge in the organization:
Developing programme for educators of young people with learning disabilities:
Developing and facilitating programme for YPLD about health education and protection from sexual abuse:
Good practices list





Just like the others

Professionals' manual


1. Why this Toolkit?
2. Sexual development of children with an illness or physical disability
3. Sexual problems of young people with an illness or physical disability
4. What can you, as professional, do?
5. Talking about sexuality and relationships with young people
6. Sexual and relational education
7. Youth participation
8. Support to parents
9. Mobilising the institution





Just like the others

Parents' manual


1. How could parents benefit from this guide?
2. Sexual education: What exactly does it involve?
3. Sexual education: How do you do it?
4. A good discussion
5. Transgressive behaviour?
6. Independent?!
7. The impact of an illness or disability
8. Causes of sexual problems
9. What do schools & institutions do?
10. Handy websites for parents & youngsters



Young people


Just like the others

Young people's manual

1. News
2. Sexologist E. Kruijver takes the floor
3. Facts & figures
4. Talking about sex
5. You are totally sexy
6. Useful tips about sex, illness and disabilities
7. Everything about sexual problems
8. Ins & outs
9. Disabilities and relationships: the story of Bart
10. Child rehabilitation psychologist D. Wiegerink takes the floor



Booklet BG 

On vaccines and vaccinations

The main goal of the present manual is to arm with basic knowledge on vaccines health specialists – RHI experts, general practitioners, pediatricians, medical students, nurses, health mediators – about vaccines in general and also specifically about mandatory vaccinations.  Recommendatory vaccines have also been mentioned – like the flu vaccines, the cervical cancer vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine. The attention is also drawn to vaccinations when travelling (Hepatitis A vaccine) due to the increasing trips of Bulgarian citizens to exotic destinations, to which their immune system is unaccustomed.
With this issue the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association hopes to answer the multitude of questions posed by parents, teachers, NGO representatives, media, and other helping professions specialists about the benefits, effects and tolerance towards modern vaccines.

The full text of the issue in Bulgarian can be found here



  Prevention EN Prevention of human trafficking among Roma minority group

1. Specifics of the Roma Community and General Characteristics of Marginalisation. Traditions, beliefs and customs of the community.  Cveta Petkova, National Network of Health Mediators.
2. Specifics of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Roma Community. Risks, mechanisms of involvement in trafficking (specific to the target group), public attitudes to the victims of trafficking in the roma community (news, media and surveys).
Denitsa Boeva, National Commission for Combating trafficking in Human Beings.
3. Placement of Abandoned Children from Vulnerable Communities In residential Institutions. Main approaches for work in Roma communities. Health prevention and campaigns, reproductive health, maternal and child healthcare, social aspects in the prevention of child abandonment. Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV and other STIs (sexually transmitted infections).   Ventzislav Kirkov, Bulgarian Family Planning Association.
4. Drug Distribution and Related Problems in the Roma Community.
Dr. Borislav Stanchev, M.D., Head of Prevention Unit, "Prevention" Directorate, Municipality of Varna.
5. Preventive Approches for Work in Roma Community. Prevention of re-traffic. 
Ilian Rizov, "Sauchastie" Non-government organization.

If you are interested in this edition, please contact us

Prevention FR

 Prevention de la traite d'etres humains au sein de la minorite Rom

 1. Les specificites de la communaute rom et les ingredients de la marginalisation. Traditions, croyances et couturnes de Ia communaute.  Tsveta Petkova, Reseau national des mediateurs de sante
2. Specificites de Ia traite d'etres humains au sein des communautes rom. Risques, mecanismes specifiques aux groupes cibles impliques clans les trafics, perception par la societe des victimes de Ia traite d'etres humains issues de Ia communaute rom (selon les etudes et publications parues clans les medias).  Denitsa Boeva, Commission Nationale de lutte contre la traite d'etres humains
3. L'abandon dans des institutions d'enfants issus de communauts vulnerables. Principales demarches de travail au sein d'une communaute rom. Prevention et campagnes sanitaires, sante reproductive, protection sanitaire maternelle et infantile, aspects sociaux de la prevention de ('abandon, tuberculose, hepatite B et C, Sida et autres maladies sexuellement transmissibles (MST).  Ventsislav Kirkov, Association bulgare pour le planning familial
4. Distribution des stupefiants illicites et problemes afferents au sein de la communaute rom
Dr. Borislav Stanchev, Chef du secteur "Prevention'; direction "Prevention" a la municipalite de Varna 
5. Approche de Ia prevention de Ia traite d'etres humains annartenant a la communaute rom. Prevention du risque de traite repetee
Ilian Rizov, Association Sauchastie, ville de Varna





Medical and service delivery guidelines

We present the third revised edition of "Medical and service delivery guidelines" by the Internatinal Planned Parenthood Federation. The handbbok is meant for SRH service providers and aims at improving their knowledge and skills and to guarantee they will satisfy the needs of their clients. In order to achieve that, the information in the handbook is backed up with research results, it is acceptable for its potential users and legislatively updated. It is written in a way which allows it to be adapted to the needs and abilities of different social groups.






Latest news

BFPA survey about positive birth-rate measures

Sofia, December 5, 2022 

The Bulgarian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (BFPA) presented the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by KANTAR. The study took place in August 2022, among a sample of 836 people from the adult population and analyzed the measures that would positively affect the birth rate.

You can find the full research here

Final conference on ARIE project: PLHIV and fitness

Sofia, November 11, 2022

On November 11, 2022, the final conference of the ARIE project was held in Sofia. The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Sport program, led by the long-standing Italian partner of BFPA ANLAIDS – Lombardia. The rest of the participating organizations are from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. The activities are aimed at people living with HIV (PLHIV), the goal of the project is to develop and introduce a fitness program and an activity protocol for people living with HIV. In Bulgaria the project was coordinated by Boyan Mladenov from the BFPA team. Among the participants of the conference were health specialists, professors from medical universities, NGO partners, representatives of the target group. From the Bulgarian side the most outstanding was the presentation of Prof. Radka Argirova “HIV,Covid and Monkeypox - what more we have to know”
The project aims to promote physical activity in the form of personalized guidelines among people between the ages of 18 and 50 who are living with HIV and who are on treatment, offering an innovative fitness protocol to engage them in moderate physical activity.
This is the first project in Europe specifically targeting people living with HIV and fitness to promote a healthy lifestyle and add fitness protocols to HIV therapy.

Presentation of the results of a regional study and recommendations for SRH services in the European Parliament - project "Youth Voices, Youth Choices"

Brussels, October 26, 2022

In the last months of 2022 the partners of the YVYC project, together with experts and young people, developed recommendations for regional policy recommendations for improvement of health and social systems and SRHR services for young people after the Covid 19 pandemic.
The recommendations are targeting decision-makers at international and national institutions.  They were presented in the European Parliament on October 26, 2022 by young advocates and experts, with the support of MEP Fred Matic. Three BFPA representatives - Victoria Nikolova, Venelin Stoychev and Pavlina Filipova participated in the EP meeting.


Info materials :: Handbooks