Sofia, June 3 2016
Four proposals for pilot realization as part of the project “The art to inform” implemented by BFPA and supported by the OAK foundation were presented at the consecutive meeting of Learning Action Partnership (LAP), which took place on June 2, 2016 in Sofia. The idea for a common platform for exchanging ideas and good practices connected with the prevention of violence and exploitation, including sexual, of children and young people and oriented to direct work to improve the administrative system is alive and is developing.
The participated at the meeting representatives of organizations members of LAP decided that it is potentially possible to support three of them, but the ideas need to be adjusted, and their final approval will be done within a month. One of the proposals dropped out because of inadequate efficiency and it was decided the members of the Partnership to support an open letter from the Council of women refugees in Bulgaria to the State Agency for Refugees and other accountable institutions urging for action concerning vulnerable unaccompanied children refugees.
The members of LAP are to think on its own communication strategy in order to position in the social space as a serious working agent on issues related to prevention of violence and sexual exploitation of children in institutions.
A possibility for participation in a webinar on working topics was presented in the frame of the meeting and a small group to finalize efforts on developing a manual for teachers in institutions on prevention of sexual violence was formed.
LAP is an initiative implemented in the frame of the project of BFPA The Art To Inform, supported by OAK Foundation.
Participants present at the meeting on June 2, 2016 of: OAK Foundation, Bulgarian Association of Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA); Know-How Center in New Bulgarian University, Re-Act Association, Agapaedia Foundation, PULSE Foundation, Animus Association Foundation, DOIT Foundation, Council of Women Refugees in Bulgaria, Agency for Social Support, PIC Foundation, Concordia Bulgaria Foundation, State Agency for Child Protection.
The next gathering of the partnership will take place in September together with the consultative group working on mutual topics in the frame of a project of PULSE Foundation. Both received a kick-off training from the university of Bedfordshire, UK.