Sofia, October 3, 2018
The ceremony of handing over of certificates in the frame of the second edition of the corporative programme of LIDL ‘You and LIDL for a Better Life’ took place on October 3, 2018 in Betahouse. New selection of organizations with ideas of four areas, among which active life and education, got their certificates. The social responsibility initiative of the company is implementing together with Foundation for Developing Civil Initiatives and Bulgarian Donation Forum.
The project “The Challenges of Growing up”of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) is focusing its work on the importance of understanding and supporting the young people from parents during the time of their maturation. Developing of short video on puberty and its launching in the towns Sofia, Stara Zagora, Pleven, Ruse and Plovdiv, as well among vulnerable communities in the whole country – are main directions in the work around the idea.
The video will represent a starting point for discussions and different other educational activities targeted to young people, as well to their parents. It will be presented officially in October 2018 and to start its real “life” as all the informational materials of BFPA, one of our trade marks.
BFPA is one of the organizations working on idea from the first edition of the programme. The two editions support 51 organizations from 28 different places including Sofia, other big and smaller towns, as well as hard to reach villages. According to the donor, the civic sector could work optimally when supported in a decentralized way.